How to bypass cisco router username and password ?
If you've cisco router and you've forgotten your router username or password or both. And you're unable to access your router. Then, You don't need to worry any more. Follow the given steps and you can enter your router again.
To bypass your router password You must access physically. Means by telnet or SSh you can't access your router by given following method.
Step 1: Set your Router config-register value to 0X2142
To do so, Restart your router physically by switching off/on toggle.
When you see this loading IOS into RAM
Self decompressing the image :
Press ctrl+break key while loading the IOS. This will interrupt your IOS loading and you will be prompted as
rommon 1 >
Step 2 : Now change the config-register value to 0X2142 by following command:
rommon 1 > confreg 0x2142 [enter]
rommon 2 >
Step 3 : Restart the Router
rommon 2 >reset
Router will be restarted and you will be prompted to --- System Configuration Dialog --- Press N and enter
Continue with configuration dialog? [yes/no]: n
Step 4 : Now you have entered to your router prompt. And you can change anything. But before changing anything Copy startup-config into running-config by using following command
Router> enable
Router#copy startup-config running-config
Step 5 : Now you can check and change your username or password as per requirement.
Step 6 : Once you changed your username and password, change config-register value into 0X2102 by following command :
Router#config terminal [enter]
Router(config)#config-register 0x2102 [enter]
Step 7 : Save the running-config into startup-config by following command:
Router#write [enter]
Step 8 : Restart the router by using following command :
Router#reload [enter]
Now you know your username and password and you can log in easily.
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